Welcome to The Policyholder Perspective, the brand new blog of Reed Smith’s Insurance Recovery Group!

We know that some of you are longtime clients of Reed Smith, and have stopped by the blog because the lawyers with whom you work suggested it would be of interest. We thank you for your trust in us, and hope that our relationship will continue to grow.

And we know that some of you found us through Google or another search engine, and have not worked with us in the past. We, of course, hope that you will do so in the future, and invite you to contact any member of our group if you have insurance questions.

However you found us, we hope you will stay a while and will come back often. We plan to update this blog regularly with our latest thoughts regarding cutting-edge issues of interest to all commercial policyholders. Our lawyers have experience in all types of commercial insurance, and plan to share their thoughts here, whether with respect to AIG’s meltdown, an important coverage decision, strategies for renewing your policies, or how to protect and maximize a pending claim. We’ll touch on all areas of commercial insurance, from first-party property to D&O, from CGL to fidelity bond, and everything in between.

So go ahead and browse, and don’t hesitate to drop us a line with suggestions about how we can make this site more useful to you.