On February 13, 2015, the Texas Supreme Court, in response to certified questions from the Fifth Circuit, held that BP was only entitled to limited coverage for Macondo related claims as an Additional Insured under Transocean’s insurance policies. Specifically, the court held the Transocean insurance contracts included the language required to necessitate “consulting the drilling contract” to determine BP’s status as an additional insured.
Continue Reading Texas Supreme Court Issues Long Awaited Opinion on Additional Insured Coverage

Insurance requirements in commercial agreements and corresponding additional insured provisions in insurance policies are important tools to manage and transfer risks. However, far too often those efforts are thwarted by inattention and, in some cases, sloppiness. As exemplified by the disastrous outcome for the contracting parties in Cincinnati Insurance Company v. Vita Food Products, Inc., No. 13 C 05181 (E.D. Ill. January 30, 2015), there are many pitfalls to successfully transfer risk and secure additional insured coverage.
Continue Reading Harmonizing Risk Transfer: Avoiding Pitfalls With Additional Insured Provisions