In a world of uncertainty, few things in life are more guaranteed than liability insurers reflexively rejecting claims for pre-notice defense costs, even where there is no legitimate or principled basis to do so. In a perfect world, insureds would immediately notify their insurers as soon as a claim or suit arises to avoid insurers refusing to pay or credit pre-notice defense costs. But companies operating in the real world for various reasons sometimes investigate and defend claims or suits before formally notifying their insurers.  In that circumstance, insurers should not be permitted to avoid their coverage obligations for so-called “pre-tender” defense costs for each of the following reasons.

Many courts only require notice to the insurer – not “magic words” or a formal “tender” – to trigger an insurer’s defense obligations

Insurers often argue their defense obligations only arise after the insured formally “tenders” or specifically requests a defense of a claim or suit, even though many courts have flatly rejected this premise. E.g., White Mountain Cable Constr. Corp. v. Transamerica Ins. Co., 631 A.2d 907, 910 (N.H. 1993) (“in order for an insured to tender the defense to the insurer, it need only put the insurer on notice of the claim”). Indeed, many courts correctly have held that the insurer’s defense obligations are triggered upon receipt of “actual notice” from any source – even if not directly from the insured seeking coverage. E.g., Cincinnati Cos. v. West Am. Ins. Co., 701 N.E.2d 499, 505 (Ill. 1998) (“the insurer’s duty to defend is triggered by actual notice of the underlying suit”).  Absent specific policy language or legal precedent to the contrary, insureds should not be required to formally “tender” or request a defense to obtain the benefit of its coverage once the insurer is on notice of the claim or suit – particularly where the insurance policy delegates the duty to defend to the policyholder rather than the insurer.Continue Reading Maximizing recovery of pre-notice defense costs: Considerations for policyholders

Two years is too long to wait before reporting an EEOC charge to your EPL carrier, according to a recent a court decision from the Western District of Virginia. A company’s employment practices liability policy defined “employment claim” to include “a formal administrative or regulatory proceeding commenced by the filing of a notice of charges…including…a proceeding before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission” and it required that notice of a claim be given to the carrier “as soon as practicable.”  The company received notice in April 2011 that a former employee had filed a charge with the EEOC alleging employment discrimination, but it did not report the charge to its carrier. More than a year later, after initially dismissing the charge, the EEOC found reasonable cause to believe discrimination had occurred and ordered the parties to engage in mediation in March 2013. The company waited another five months – to February 2013, nearly two years from the date of the original charge – before informing the carrier of the pending mediation. The carrier denied coverage due to the delayed report.
Continue Reading Don’t Wait Too Long: Failure to Give Timely Notice Under an EPL Policy May Preclude Coverage as a Matter of Law

Just days after news broke that ISIS hackers forced the shutdown of the U.S. Central Command’s Twitter account, President Obama met with congressional leadership, members of the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Homeland Security to unveil a proposal to facilitate increased cooperation between the private sector and government to combat growing cybersecurity threats. Citing concerns with preserving national security, public safety and public health, the President proposed new federal cybersecurity legislation, emphasizing that although our digital economy “creates enormous opportunities,” it also “creates enormous vulnerabilities for us as a nation” that are growing and costing us billions of dollars. In remarks on Tuesday at the National Cybersecurity Communications Integration Center, the President further acknowledged the serious legal and liability issues involved with private companies sharing information with the government, and argued that his proposed legislation “includes essential safeguards to ensure that [the] government protects privacy and civil liberties” and other liability protections for companies that share information on cyber threats.
Continue Reading President Obama Acknowledges Growing Cybersecurity Threats to the Government and Economy, Proposes New Measures to Fight Cyber Risks